- Angst
- Depression
- Ensomhed
- Eksamensangst
- Eksistentielle spørgsmål
- Identitetskriser
- Jalousi
- Karriereovervejelser
- Konfliktsamtaler
- Kommunikation
- Kritisk sygdom
- Livskriser
- Motivation
- Parforholdsproblematikker
- Personlig udvilking
- Personlighedsforstyrrelser
- Psykiske lidelser
- Seksualitet
- Selvmordsproblematik
- Selvskadende adfærd
- Selvtillid
- Selvværd
- Sensitive mennesker
- Seniorer
- Skilsmisse
- Sorg og krise
- Spiseforstyrrelser
- Stress
- Studierelaterede problemer
- Svigt
- Tristhed
- Tvangstanker
- Utroskab
- Vrede
What would you like to change today?
It may seem like a difficult question but it is our starting point.
There are many moments in our life when we feel tired, confused, disoriented, sad, stuck in a situation... It is important to know when it is time to take a space for ourselves.
With my help I am sure that you will be able to find “the road” that you cannot see now…
sometimes we need to stop, to start again.
I have good experience with people who are members of the LGBT + community, I believe I can give them good support for different aspects of their life.
I also believe in the Single-Session Therapy (SST) approach: a single session can help shed light on what's going on in your life and start in a new direction.